Pro-Palestine Protest in the Nation’s Capital Calls for #CeasefireNOW

Large protest took place in the nation's Capital - Washington DC with supporters of Palestinian rights calling for a halt to the conflict in Gaza and an end to U.S. support for Israel

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Pro-Palestine Protest in the Nation’s Capital Calls for #CeasefireNOW

Large protest took place in the nation's Capital - Washington DC with supporters of Palestinian rights calling for a halt to the conflict in Gaza and an end to U.S. support for Israel
Pro-Palestine Protest in Washington DC
Pro-Palestine Protest in Washington DC

On Saturday, a large protest took place in the nation’s Capital – Washington DC with supporters of Palestinian rights calling for a halt to the conflict in Gaza and an end to U.S. support for Israel amidst escalating hostilities in what is being tagged the largest protest in Washington DC for Palestine in the history of the United States.

Gathering a block away from the White House at Freedom Plaza, the attendees found solace and motivation among others who shared their views, valuing the opportunity to collectively express their calls for peace. Chants of “Free, free Palestine!” and “Cease fire now!” echoed from the speakers to the crowd.

(Photos by Astrid Riecken, Robb Hill for The Post; Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters; Jose Luis Magana/AP; Win McNamee, Drew Angerer/Getty, imamomarsuleiman, IIIsri.lankan )

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