County Executive Alsobrooks

Prince George’s County’s Angela Alsobrooks Economic Triumphs Pave the Way for Inclusive Development

Prince George's County: An Exemplary Model of Inclusive Economic Development County Executive Angela Alsobrooks leads Prince George's County in Maryland towards economic prosperity through collaborative leadership, strategic planning, and a well-executed recovery plan. The county's remarkable progress, highlighted in the recent State of the Economy event, showcases its commitment to social infrastructure, affordable housing, education, and healthcare, setting an example for inclusive economic development.

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Prince George’s County in Maryland has become an exemplary model of inclusive economic development, as showcased in the recent State of the Economy event led by County Executive Angela Alsobrooks. With a sold-out audience of stakeholders, business leaders, and government officials, the event highlighted the county’s remarkable progress and ambitious plans for the future.


One of the key pillars of Prince George’s County’s success has been its collaborative approach to economic recovery. County Executive Angela Alsobrooks emphasized the importance of strategic planning, collaborative leadership, and a well-executed recovery plan in overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. By providing businesses with certainty and aligning investments with regulations, the county has created an environment conducive to investment and growth. The county’s economic recovery plan, led by the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation (PGEDC) and CEO David Iannucci, has played a pivotal role in driving business growth and securing investments. By providing businesses with certainty, aligning investments with regulations, and fostering a favorable business climate, Prince George’s County has become a magnet for new ventures and opportunities.

I’m honored to be here at the University of Maryland where just across the street Discovery Point will soon be underway adding over 300 000 square feet of new state-of-the-art office space to our growing community… Angela Alsobrooks

A notable achievement of Prince George’s County is the transformation of New Carrollton into a state-of-the-art premier multimodal transit hub. Through partnerships with organizations such as Wamata, Urban Atlantic, and Gensler, the county secured substantial funding to turn this vision into a reality. The project not only enhances transportation infrastructure but also promotes walkability, bikeability, and affordable housing options, making it a model for sustainable and inclusive urban development.


Our partners WAMATA Urban Atlantic and their design partner Gensler shared an updated picture of Redevelopment a slideshow with pictures that showed how a 150 million dollar investment could transform New Carrollton into a true Transit hub… in two short years we’ve already secured 100 million dollars to convert those pictures into a brighter future for this community… County Exec. Angela Alsobrooks

The county’s commitment to social infrastructure and public safety is evident in its efforts to reduce crime rates and improve residents’ well-being. Investments in projects that promote social connection, such as parks, community gathering spaces, and transit-oriented developments, have not only enhanced economic resilience but also fostered a stronger sense of community and improved health outcomes. Prince George’s County has aligned itself with the recommendations of Surgeon General Vivek H. Murphy, highlighting the importance of social infrastructure investments in promoting overall community well-being. By investing in projects that promote social connection, reduce crime rates, and provide safe and affordable housing, the county has created a thriving environment for its residents. The success of initiatives such as the preservation of affordable housing units and the construction of new schools underscores the county’s dedication to improving the quality of life for all its residents.

Affordable housing remains a key focus for the county. Prince George’s County has successfully preserved and improved affordable housing units, addressing the needs of its residents. The transformation of the previously neglected Bedford and Victoria Station Apartments into safe and affordable housing options demonstrates the county’s commitment to providing quality living spaces for all its residents. By implementing programs such as the right of first refusal, Prince George’s County has preserved or created over 2,500 units of affordable housing since 2021, with more under construction.

In 2021 we began preserving affordable affordability and improving units through the right of first refusal and other Housing Programs we’ve preserved or created over 2500 units of affordable housing since 2021. another 938 affordable units are under construction across six projects in our County. Now Bedford and Victoria is in the hands of new owne using make a huge difference in people’s lives.

Education and healthcare have also been at the forefront of Prince George’s County’s development agenda. The county has made significant strides in constructing new schools, with plans for additional schools in partnership with the private sector. This commitment to education ensures that the county’s residents have access to quality schooling, laying the foundation for future success. Furthermore, investments in healthcare, such as the Luminous Behavioral Health Center and the upcoming Dyer Care Center, demonstrate a comprehensive approach to addressing critical community needs.


We’ve broken ground on 10 new schools during my Administration so far and right now we’re working towards a second public-private partnership which will half be funded by the state which could help build an additional eight new schools focused on Elementary all total this Administration will be responsible for delivering 18 new schools in a six-year period said County Executive Alsobrooks.

Prince George’s County’s economic achievements have not gone unnoticed. The county has successfully attracted public and private investment, securing grants and funding from federal, state, and private entities. This recognition of the county’s progress has led to billions of dollars in private investment, further driving economic growth and prosperity.

we secure for the very first time a 20 and a half million dollar raise Grant from the U. S Department of Transportation a two million dollar investment for Suitland Road tha he Maryland stadium Authority for a project in Prince George’s County and thanks to the efforts of our Dynamic delegation we also secure 2.1 billion dollars in state aid during the 2023 Maryland General Assembly which includes over 50 million dollars for New Carrollton

As the State of the Economy event concluded, County Executive Angela Alsobrooks left attendees with a powerful message: to join in the collective effort to continue building a thriving Prince George’s County. The county’s unprecedented progress, collaborative spirit, and commitment to turning vision into action have set the stage for sustained economic growth and improved quality of life.

Prince George’s County’s unwavering dedication to collaboration, inclusivity, and turning vision into action has positioned it at the forefront of economic progress. As other communities look for inspiration and guidance, they need not look any further than Prince George’s County, a shining example of how economic development can be achieved while prioritizing social infrastructure, affordable housing, education, and healthcare. . With a clear vision, strong leadership, and a collaborative spirit, Prince George’s County is poised to continue its remarkable trajectory, setting new benchmarks for inclusive development, community engagement, and economic vitality in the 21st century.


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