Origins of Womens History Month

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Origin of Women’s History Month


March is known globally as Women’s History Month. Women’s history month is a way for people to appreciate and remember the milestones that Women have made in history and the present that often go overlooked. Some famous women include Susan B. Anthony, Abigail Adams, and Rosa Parks. The timeline of history milestones and contributions made by women stretches as far back into history as the founding of the United States. This entire month-long celebration of women’s history even evolved from only a week-long celebration.

The first celebration of Women’s History began all the way back on March 8th of 1911, this day is now known as International Women’s Day and has been sponsored by the United Nations since 1975, the day serves as a thank you to the women who have helped create milestones indifferent Job communities as well as Social Achievements. The United Nations General Assembly cited when they began sponsoring the holiday that it was “To recognize the fact that securing peace and social progress and the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women; and to acknowledge the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security.”


The United States began to celebrate women’s historical contributions and achievement back in 1978 when a school district in Sonoma, California began holding a week-long celebration for women and their achievements, they gave dozens of presentations at different schools and many students participated in a “Real Women” Essay contest that was held during the week, a Parade was even held during the week in downtown Santa Rosa, California. Within a few years, other communities and organizations across the country began to celebrate and join in on the week-long celebration. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first presidential proclamation that officially declared the week of March 8th as National Women’s History Week.

Over the next few years, succeeding presidents continued to proclaim and support National Women’s History Week. In 1987, Congress passed public law 100-9 which officially recognized and designated March as Women’s History Month. Now instead of just one week, the celebration became an annual month-long event every year.

The theme for this year’s Women’s History Month is “Celebrating Women who tell our stories”. This theme honors women who have made impacts through history and the present in all forms of media from radio and print to TV and stage.


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