First African to Fly Solo Around the World, a Nigerian Pilot Departs Dulles Airport DC in a Private Flag off Celebration

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Determined to change the global perception of Africa, Nigerian Pilot, Captain Ademilola Odujinrin is determined to be the first African and the 115th person in the globe to circumnavigate the world solo in a single engine craft.


Journalist Adedayo Fashanu reporting this historic story by the soon to be famous single-engine aircraft <strong>CIRRUS ” src=””></div><figcaption><strong>IMAGE BY CHRISTOPHER OKONKWO—Journalist Adedayo Fashanu reporting this historic story by the soon to be famous single-engine aircraft CIRRUS SR-22 </strong></figcaption></figure><p>‍</p><div class='ai-viewports ai-viewport-3 ai-insert-12-98562755' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;' data-insertion-position='prepend' data-selector='.ai-insert-12-98562755' data-insertion-no-dbg data-code='PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nY29kZS1ibG9jayBjb2RlLWJsb2NrLTEyJyBzdHlsZT0nbWFyZ2luOiA4cHggMDsgY2xlYXI6IGJvdGg7Jz4KCTxkaXYgY2xhc3M9J2thcmdvYWQtdGFudHZfbW9iaWxlX2luYXJ0aWNsZV8yJz48L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj4K' data-block='12'></div><div class='ai-viewports ai-viewport-1 ai-insert-4-32788776' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;' data-insertion-position='prepend' data-selector='.ai-insert-4-32788776' data-insertion-no-dbg data-code='PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nY29kZS1ibG9jayBjb2RlLWJsb2NrLTQnIHN0eWxlPSdtYXJnaW46IDhweCAwOyBjbGVhcjogYm90aDsnPgoJPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0na2FyZ29hZC10YW50dl9kZXNrdG9wX2luYXJ0aWNsZV8zJz48L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj4K' data-block='4'></div><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>On June 26th at around 3.01PM leaving from Landmark Aviation, Dulles International Airport Washington DC, Captain Ademilola Odujinrin began the quest to be the first African to fly solo around the world. He is an experienced commercial pilot flying for over seventeen years and if he accomplishes this goal, he’ll join the ranks of some 114 others who’ve made the record books in this quest. When accomplished, Captain Ademilola will be the 115th person in history to accomplish this feat in the entire world.  </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><figure class=
Captain Lola on the right with his project director and his biggest believer Mr. Ladi Ani-Mumuney 
IMAGE BY CHRISTOPHER OKONKWO–Captain Lola on the right with his project director and his biggest believer Mr. Ladi Ani-Mumuney 


On this historic day of his take-off, many Nigerians came to the private flag off celebration to wish him journey mercies including the visiting young Nigerian King who also was on a historic tour in the U.S for three weeks, His Imperial Majesty, the Ooni of Ife, Osun State Nigeria known as “His Royal Majesty Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi.”  His Royal Majesty and his entourage made it to the private airport just in time serving as a prominent leader flagging off one of their own in this historic expedition.


At Landmark Aviation, Washington DC-HRM Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi and his entourage giving blessings to Captain Lola right
IMAGE BY CHRISTOPHER OKONKWO—-At Landmark Aviation, Washington DC-HRM Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi and his entourage giving blessings to Captain Lola right before take-off.


“These are good things that can come out of Nigeria we should showcase to the world, that indeed something good can come out of Nigeria. Enough of negative news!” the King said.


Nigerian King "The Ooni of Ife, <strong>Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi (Ojaja II)" </strong> during his historical vis” src=””></div><figcaption><strong>IMAGE BY CHRISTOPHER OKONKWO—Nigerian King “The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi (Ojaja II)”  during his historical visit to the U.S, flagging off Pilot Lola according to Nigerian tradition, as he transcends. </strong></figcaption></figure><p>‍</p><div class='ai-viewports ai-viewport-3 ai-insert-15-36727520' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;' data-insertion-position='prepend' data-selector='.ai-insert-15-36727520' data-insertion-no-dbg data-code='PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nY29kZS1ibG9jayBjb2RlLWJsb2NrLTE1JyBzdHlsZT0nbWFyZ2luOiA4cHggMDsgY2xlYXI6IGJvdGg7Jz4KCTxkaXYgY2xhc3M9J2thcmdvYWQtdGFudHZfbW9iaWxlX2luYXJ0aWNsZV81Jz48L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj4K' data-block='15'></div><div class='ai-viewports ai-viewport-1 ai-insert-7-28848720' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;' data-insertion-position='prepend' data-selector='.ai-insert-7-28848720' data-insertion-no-dbg data-code='PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nY29kZS1ibG9jayBjb2RlLWJsb2NrLTcnIHN0eWxlPSdtYXJnaW46IDhweCAwOyBjbGVhcjogYm90aDsnPgoJPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0na2FyZ29hZC10YW50dl9kZXNrdG9wX2luYXJ0aWNsZV82Jz48L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj4K' data-block='7'></div><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Many Nigerians present at the airport saw this as a great thing of joy and celebration to be a part of this historic adventure, to witness the first African who has dared to make this historical expedition of flying solo around the world.</strong></p><p><strong>In my exclusive interview with him as he was about to take-off, when asked what this moment meant to him- the moment of embarking on a daring mission and being flagged off  by his fellow Nigerians especially with the presence of His Imperial Majesty, the OONI OF IFE, he said:</strong></p><blockquote><p><strong>“<em>This is the highest honor any </em>indigent<em> can get by being flagged off by His Royal Majesty. This trip has been many years in the making. Nigeria has many great men and women, we need the right environment to showcase Africans and the work they are doing.”</em>  </strong></p></blockquote><p><strong>He also added that he is doing this to serve as an inspiration to young Africans who dare to dream. Concluding by acknowledging his sponsors and supporters which include his number one believer,  project director Mr. Ladi Ani-Mumuney of the Transcend Project, Tolaram Group, Arik-Airlines, Landmark Aviation, Spider tracks and a host of others.  </strong></p><div class='ai-viewports ai-viewport-3 ai-insert-16-85286280' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;' data-insertion-position='prepend' data-selector='.ai-insert-16-85286280' data-insertion-no-dbg data-code='PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nY29kZS1ibG9jayBjb2RlLWJsb2NrLTE2JyBzdHlsZT0nbWFyZ2luOiA4cHggMDsgY2xlYXI6IGJvdGg7Jz4KCTxkaXYgY2xhc3M9J2thcmdvYWQtdGFudHZfbW9iaWxlX2luYXJ0aWNsZV82Jz48L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj4K' data-block='16'></div><div class='ai-viewports ai-viewport-1 ai-insert-8-41286642' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;' data-insertion-position='prepend' data-selector='.ai-insert-8-41286642' data-insertion-no-dbg data-code='PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nY29kZS1ibG9jayBjb2RlLWJsb2NrLTgnIHN0eWxlPSdtYXJnaW46IDhweCAwOyBjbGVhcjogYm90aDsnPgoJPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0na2FyZ29hZC10YW50dl9kZXNrdG9wX2luYXJ0aWNsZV83Jz48L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj4K' data-block='8'></div><p><strong> </strong></p><figure class=
(far left)Captain Lola proudly holding the Nigerian flag, Journalist Adedayo reporting in her Nigerian cultural outfit (Iro,
IMAGE BY CHRITOPHER OKONKWO(far left)–Captain Lola proudly holding the Nigerian flag, Journalist Adedayo reporting in her Nigerian cultural outfit (Iro, buba and gele), HRM Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi holding his Staff and most believing Project Director Mr. Ladi Ani-Mumuney (far right)


Follow Lola’s trip which can be tracked online by following this link here

An exclusive interview by Adedayo Fashanu with Captain Ademilola (Lola) will be published soon with a full story on how this young man decided to embark on this daring mission and more as we follow this historic solo expedition of “ONE MAN. ONE PLANE. ONE WORLD.” 

Captain Ademilola Odujinrin by his single engine aircraft CIRRUS SR-22
TRANSCEND.NG–Captain Ademilola Odujinrin by his single engine aircraft CIRRUS SR-22

Africa is proud of you Captain Ademilola Odujinrin for making the youth inspired; and the world stands at a still awaiting his safe return in about five weeks as he finishes his trip back where he started from, Washington DC. 

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