Maryland Council on Innovation and Impact Members
Maryland Council on Innovation and Impact Members

Governor Moore Unveils Maryland Council on Innovation and Impact Members

To move Maryland forward, we need strong partnerships that tap into the best ideas and talents across all sectors

1 min read

In a move to propel Maryland forward, Governor Wes Moore has announced the formation of the Maryland Council on Innovation and Impact. This panel brings together a diverse array of leaders from the social, government, and private sectors, united in their mission to tackle the state’s most pressing challenges through innovative and collaborative approaches.

The Council, established by executive order in May 2023, is poised to be a game-changer for the state. “To move Maryland forward, we need strong partnerships that tap into the best ideas and talents across all sectors,” Governor Moore eloquently stated. “This Council brings together visionary leaders who will help inject innovation into how we tackle our most pressing issues as a state.”


Chaired by Jonny Dorsey, the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor on Innovation and Impact, the Council boasts an impressive roster of honorary co-chairs, including Lisa Hamilton of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Mark Lerner of Baltimore’s Promise, Rachel Garbow Monroe of the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, and Darren Walker of the Ford Foundation.

The Council’s key responsibilities are equally ambitious, ranging from identifying cross-sector partnership opportunities and ensuring the state’s work is grounded in the best available evidence and data, to measuring results and contributing to the evidence base, as well as encouraging policies that boost charitable giving, volunteerism, and service.


Notably, the Council’s membership includes a who’s who of influential figures from philanthropy, nonprofits, businesses, universities, and state agencies. Among the notable members are Beth Blauer of Johns Hopkins University, Cheryl Dorsey of Echoing Green, Matt Gallagher of the Goldseker Foundation, Don Gips of the Skoll Foundation, and Jan Rivitz of the Straus Foundation.

The Council will meet quarterly and provide an annual report to the Governor and public on its work and achievements. Its establishment signals Governor Moore’s commitment to innovative and cross-sector collaboration to drive positive change across Maryland.

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