Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024: Simple Ways to Support Women Around You

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Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024: Simple Ways to Support Women Around You
Image: @peace_hy

As we celebrate International Women’s Day to honor women’s achievements and advocate for their rights globally, it’s essential to support the women around you. 


Since 1914, the designated date for International Women’s Day has been March 8. This decision was made to align with Russian women who traditionally observed the day on February 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.

This year’s International Women’s Day campaign theme of #InspireInclusion “calls for action to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected,” the IWD site says.


Here are easy and impactful ideas to celebrate International Women’s Day, embracing the theme of #InspireInclusion.

1. Express Gratitude

Take a moment to acknowledge and thank the women around you for their hard work and dedication. Create thank you videos and messages for women who inspire you. In your organization encourage team members to share their #InspireInclusion photos or short video messages. 

Whether through a thank-you card, email, or a Zoom call, expressing gratitude can have a lasting impact. In pursuing gender equality, these small gestures contribute significantly, to creating a positive and supportive work environment.


2. Share Gifts

Surprise the women in your home and office with thoughtful gifts, such as bouquets, cards, and chocolates. Consider going the extra mile by providing gift vouchers for a special dinner with their families or a shopping spree. These gestures not only make women feel valued but also contribute to fostering a sense of appreciation.

3. Share Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes have the power to uplift and motivate. Create or share well-known International Women’s Day quotations with your employees, customers, and Friends. Spread these messages through various channels, such as email, chat, and social media posts. By acknowledging the day, you contribute to the #IWD movement and encourage meaningful conversations.

4. Support Women-Owned Businesses

Empower female entrepreneurs by purchasing products and services from women-owned businesses, not just on International Women’s Day, but throughout the year. Share your purchases on social media, raising awareness and educating others about supporting women-led enterprises. If you’re unsure where to find such businesses, a quick search on your preferred search engine can provide valuable information.


5. Wear Purple

Encourage your coworkers to wear purple outfits or ribbons on International Women’s Day. Purple symbolizes strength, power, justice, and dignity. This simple act is an effective way to show support and create a great photo opportunity visually. Capture the moment with a team photo or video and share it on your business’s social media platforms.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day in 2024, let’s embrace the theme of #InspireInclusion and actively contribute to the movement for women’s rights and equality. 

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