African Financial Innovation: The Biannual Africa Fintech Summit Returns This November

From November 2-3, 2023, Regulators, Policy Makers, Financial and Technology Industry Executives, Fintech Founders, leading innovators, investors, and Government representatives from around the world will gather in Zambia, for the 10th edition of the Africa Fintech Summit (AFTS). The summit will take place from November 2-3, 2023, at Ciela Resort and Spa, twenty minutes from downtown Lusaka, Zambia.

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African Financial Innovation: The Biannual Africa Fintech Summit Returns This November

From November 2-3, 2023, Regulators, Policy Makers, Financial and Technology Industry Executives, Fintech Founders, leading innovators, investors, and Government representatives from around the world will gather in Zambia, for the 10th edition of the Africa Fintech Summit (AFTS). The summit will take place from November 2-3, 2023, at Ciela Resort and Spa, twenty minutes from downtown Lusaka, Zambia.

With over 57 Countries represented, 12 Deals to Date, $5b+ In Capital Represented, The Africa Fintech Summit is more than a conference—it’s an ecosystem-building initiative, with bilateral meetings, collaborative partnerships, workshops, demos, pitch competitions, ecosystem tours, whitepapers, awards, and plenty of opportunities to collaborate with the investors and entrepreneurs shaping the future of African fintech.

Twice a year, we bring the issues, entrepreneurs, and opportunities revolutionizing finance in Africa to the world’s stage. The Africa Fintech Summit takes place in Washington, D.C., every April—in line with the spring meetings of the World Bank Group—and each November in a different African city, with our most recent summits being in Cape Town, South Africa; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Lagos, Nigeria; and Cairo, Egypt. 

Last November 2022, our Cape Town Edition had 532 in-person and 900+ virtual delegates from 53 countries, including Government representatives, entrepreneurs, Fintech Founders, Investors, DFIs, bank executives, policymakers, and corporate influencers from over 35 countries. 

#AFTSDC2023 will focus on the policy and regulation, US-Africa Fintech connections, Diaspora Finance, Remittance & Cross border Payment, tech talent, future of banking, mobile money growth and integration, Embedded Fintech, blockchain, Powering African Fintech via VC, intra-Africa Trade & payment infrastructure and financial inclusion among others. 

Supported by an advisory board of thought leaders and fintech pioneers, the AFTS is a unique space where ideas are explored, investments mobilized, and collaborations formed across sectors and geographies. 

Over the past 9 summits, the Africa Fintech Summit has supported: 

• Over $100 million in capital raise efforts for African startups 

• Market entry for multinational corporations seeking to enter the regional fintech market • The launch of strategic partnerships and new businesses 

• Brand building for event sponsors 

• Policy guideline creation 

• The growth of local tech and startup ecosystems

•Knowledge sharing for African banking/fintech operators and regulators

About the Africa Fintech Summit

Biannually, the Africa Fintech Summit highlights finance-related matters, discusses visionary entrepreneurs, and expands on the promising opportunities shaping Africa’s financial landscape. Held every April in Washington, D.C., synchronized with the World Bank Group’s spring meetings, and each November in a distinct African city, this event promotes global awareness and collaboration, exposing African fintech to the global fintech world.

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